class="post-684 rfp type-rfp status-publish hentry category-invitation-to-bid"

Electrical Services on As Needed Basis (ELEC – 2021)

Sealed Bids will be received by the Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 901 E. Bryd Street, Suite 1120, Richmond, VA 23219 until Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. local time. Sealed bids received after this time will be returned to the vendor unopened. All sealed bids shall be clearly marked “ELEC-2021 On-Call Proposal”. All bid will be opened publicly at this time via Zoom, using the following link:


All Inquiries should be directed to: Paula Watson at or Theresa

Simmons at


Click here to download the Invitation to Bid documents

Click here to download Addendum No. 1
